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The Great Illusion (Blind Retrieves)
by John and Amy Dahl
First Published by Tri-Tronics as Mark and Handle, 1999.
If you hunt with your dog inside a blind,
or if you are ambitious about training your retriever, you will want to
teach him to do blind retrieves. For him to be successful picking up birds
he has not seen fall, however, you need to understand that there is much
more to a blind retrieve than simply giving your dog directions. You need
to get past the illusion of perfect handling, and understand the problems
your dog faces as he tries to follow your instructions.
What is the illusion involved in a blind
retrieve? Consider a blind retrieve in the advanced stake of a field trial
(Open or Amateur). The dogs with passing jobs all take a near-perfect
initial line, keep going indefinitely in that direction (until stopped by
their handlers’ whistles), run straight without swerving or dodging any
obstacles, answer every whistle instantly, and take each cast given by
their handler. One or two dogs, sometimes more, will usually "line
the blind." These dogs get a good initial line and run straight and
true, with seeming disregard for the layout of terrain, cover, and water,
all the way to the bird—which is likely to be 300 yards or more away.
The dogs who fail go out of control in a variety of ways. They may refuse
to stop for whistles, or go in some direction other that that of their
handlers' casts. They may put their noses down to hunt the cover, or
they may slip behind some obstacle out of sight.
The naive spectator might assume that the
passing dogs are better trained. They know the meanings of the casts
right, left, and back, and will follow them obediently no matter how far
they get from the handler. The failing dogs, on the other hand, appear to
lack discipline. They get out in the field at some distance from the
handler, and simply run amok. While some dogs certainly have a much higher
success rate on blind retrieves than others, there is a lot more going on
Carrying a straight line through a small piece of water is something few dogs do naturally. |
While we have trained and handled some
mighty nice blind dogs, such as FC Banjo XXXVI and FC-AFC LaThunder Rue,
we think it’s safe to say no retriever will take every cast given, in
all circumstances. A field-trial performance is just that: a performance.
Dog and handler work together to create the illusion of a perfect handling
job. The key to a good performance is the handler’s understanding, both
of the dog’s capabilities and limitations, and of the demands of the
test to be performed.
Some clues to what is involved in a good
performance may be seen by carefully watching the dogs and handlers. Many
of the dogs that went out of control will have done so at approximately
the same place. The handlers of the passing dogs will, in most cases, have
stopped their dogs with a whistle just short of this spot and given a cast
away from it. The handler of the dog who lined the blind was undoubtedly
ready, whistle in mouth, as the dog approached that point. If you watched,
you would have seen him or her take a breath and raise cupped hands to
project the sound of the whistle, should it be needed.
That area where some of the dogs went out
of control and others were successfully handled through is called a
"hazard," and there is little doubt that the judges designed the
blind purposely to test the handlers’ ability to keep their dogs under
control through that area. In fact, a few dogs probably failed the test
even though they appeared to be under control and responding well to their
handlers’ casts and whistles the whole way. A look at the judges’
sheets will show that these dogs invariably ran or swam well clear of the
area where others had trouble. They failed to "challenge the
hazard," and therefore did not demonstrate their ability to negotiate
it and remain under control. (This is a rhetorical comment; we do not
recommend that you ask a judge to show you his or her drawings unless he
or she is a close personal friend.)
Hazards take many forms. Physical
unpleasantness is one variety. Dogs may be reluctant to cast into heavy
mud, rough cover, or cold water, especially if they are already cold and
wet. They also have a natural dislike of running into the wind. The
farther the dog is from the handler, the less authority the handler is
likely to have in such a situation. Angled boundaries, such as shorelines,
roads, or other changes of cover, also present a problem. Inexperienced
dogs will either "cheat," or run along the boundary, or
"square" across at a right angle to it. Either way the dog loses
its direction. Casts in the vicinity of a boundary are usually taken in
either of these two directions. Hillsides are similar. It is easiest to
run around a hill, or to run straight up it. Angling along the sidehill is
awkward. Some situations are conceptually difficult for most dogs, and
must be taught stepbystep. Crossing a point of land to continue in the
water is one. Most dogs readily comprehend getting into the water to
retrieve a bird, and have little trouble with crossing the water to get a
bird on the far shore. Cast them out of the water onto a point, and they
naturally conclude that the bird must be on the land. Having crossed a
piece of water and gotten out, they do not expect to get back into the
same water, and getting them back in can be difficult. Finally, there are
areas where dogs naturally tend to "break down" and hunt, such
as swales full of cover or scented areas.
Taking an angle into high cover at a distance from the trainer requires teaching and practice. |
What does all of
this mean for the duck hunter, or the person training his or her own
retriever for hunting tests? Just as in a field trial, getting a crisp,
clean performance on a blind retrieve requires understanding the hazards
and knowing how your dog is likely to respond to them. One aspect of this,
of course, is to avoid trying to handle him through a difficult hazard
when you are hunting and are eager for him to return with the duck so you
can get on with your shooting. There are no judges in the hunting blind,
so take the practical approach and handle your dog around, rather than
through, a hazard for which he has not been prepared. Like the handlers in
a field trial, if you try to avoid giving your dog a cast he will not
take, he is more likely to take all of the casts you do give him.
You must also devote some time training
your dog to negotiate hazards, however, if he is to be effective in the
field. Between wind, cover, terrain, and shoreline configurations, there
are so many potential hazards, most retrieves will involve some
unavoidable challenge. A dog who has had only a few handling drills in
mowed grass on level terrain will be extremely limited. Extensive and
complicated drilling under such conditions will do nothing to help your
dog understand how to take, for example, a straight "back" cast
when he sees only the route square into the water to the right, and the
route down the shore to the left.
Obvious routes the dog can take are square
into the water, to the right, or down the shore, to the left. The ‘angle
entry,’ directly toward the orange dummy, must be taught |
We recommend getting a young retriever out
"into the field" doing cold blinds as soon as he is able to
smoothly execute a simple casting drill such as a single t. Practice on
level terrain in short cover until the dog makes the breakthrough of
recognizing that following your directions will get him to the bird. Then
you can begin teaching him how to negotiate each kind of hazard he is
likely to encounter. One way to start is with a man-made hazard, such as a
hay bale. Start close up and insist that your dog go over it, on a line or
on a cast. This will introduce the idea that you care not only about his
destination, but also about his route. Other easy-to-set up obstacles are
a log, or two chairs he must run between. Make sure these hazards are big
enough that your dog can get the idea readily—use a 10’ log as opposed
to a 2’ log.
To teach a retriever how to handle
correctly through a hazard, begin by setting up a blind where your dog
must go through the hazard fairly close to the starting point, and the
rest of the blind is straightforward. You will have maximum leverage if
you are as close to your dog as possible when he is in the problem area.
Keeping the remainder of the blind simple accomplishes two things: it
helps make the lesson as clear as possible, and it rewards the dog for
staying with you through the hazard, by giving him a familiar task at
which he can be successful.
When beginning work on a new hazard, your
goals should be to get your dog into the hazard, get him out of the
hazard, and get him to the blind (planted dummy). Don’t worry about _how_
he negotiates the hazard. If you are new to this aspect of training, you
will probably be surprised at the number of "cast refusals" you
will get, usually when you attempt to cast out of the hazard. We strongly
recommend that you not correct (punish) these errors. Simply whistle your
dog back to the point of refusal and repeat the cast. He will understand
there is a problem when you continue insistently to repeat the cast.
Eventually you will get him out of the hazard and, if all goes well, the
ease with which he finishes the blind will underscore the correctness of
the cast he finally took.
Stop your dog and cast him out of the
hazard promptly, before he ‘commits’ to it |
Once you begin work on a particular hazard,
continue to practice the concept every day, preferably in a variety of
locations which all feature the essential problem. When your retriever can
negotiate a hazard smoothly, with a single cast in and a single cast out,
close to the sending line, start practicing the same kind of hazard from
farther away. Continue to keep the remainder of the blind as simple as
possible. When your retriever will cast in and out of the hazard smoothly
at a distance, you can begin teaching another hazard. You will need to
maintain your dog’s proficiency on hazards already taught with periodic
review, but work on only one new thing at a time, concentrating on it
until your dog is competent.
Visibility is an important issue in
training on blind retrieves. Because the hunting test programs do not
allow the wearing of high-visibility white, owners who participate are
eager to teach their dogs to take direction from a camouflaged handler. In
training, however, it is best to take one thing at a time. While teaching
a dog to negotiate hazards, do not complicate an already difficult problem
by making your casts ambiguous. Make sure he understands how to execute a
clearly-visible cast in each situation. Another consideration is that you
will want to run longer blinds in training than the 100 yards or so
required in hunting tests, and, of course, greater distance requires
greater visibility. If you need to handle to a long fall while hunting,
there is no reason you can’t wear a white sweatshirt under your hunting
coat for just that purpose.
There are many other hazards and variations
of them besides the ones we listed above. As you progress with your
retriever’s training, we hope you will develop a feel for the kinds of
situations which give him difficulty. When he reaches a point where he
suddenly starts refusing casts, there is probably a reason. Instead of
correcting him for disobedience, identify the problem and work on it,
starting close up, as we described.
With patience and understanding, you can
bring your dog to the point where, he, too, creates the illusion of being
able to take any cast, at any angle, regardless of terrain. Just remember
that it is an illusion, and when it occasionally breaks down, address the
problem through training. Don’t be fooled by the illusion into
disregarding the difficulties that terrain, wind, cover, and water pose
for your dog—allow for him to be fallible, understand the challenges he
faces, and he will give you the best he has to give.
"The Great Illusion: Blind
Retrieves," by John & Amy Dahl. © Copyright 1999 by John &
Amy Dahl, Pinehurst, NC. First North American electronic serial rights to
Tri- Tronics, Inc.