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Labrador Puppies We have black and yellow Labrador puppies out of Oak Hill Wild Cherry, born October 23, 2007. Males and females available. The sire is First Lite's Eye of the Tiger MH. We will be keeping two of these puppies as field-trial prospects. Puppies are $700-850; a $100 deposit secures a pick. Photos of the puppies are posted at Puppy photo page Cherry is the first bitch we've found to meet our standards in over 10 years of looking. She is cooperative and trainable, took only three days to force-fetch, and learned to line with almost no preparation. She is athletic and stylish and an exceptional marker, outstanding at separating marks in tight, confusing tests. She has superb eyesight and range, and has the nose and resourcefulness to quickly come up with birds. She excels on doves in heavy cover. She has the sweet, gentle disposition proper to a Labrador retriever. Cherry's littermate, Shooter's Sugar Cookie, has now earned her FC as well as AFC. Rocky, the sire, is a good-looking, hard-going, talented, smart, tractable chocolate. Rocky puppies we've trained have been precocious, fast learners and a delight to work with. Rocky's breeding is impeccable, as he is sired by FC AFC Tiger McBunn out of FC AFC Gator Pt's Sweet Potato Pie. Our puppies' pedigree is solid in field-trial breeding and goes back to some favorites we trained: FC Oakhill Exponent (Pudge), Federal Hills Mike, and NAFC-FC Gusto's Last Control. Here are three generations:
For more information, or to reserve a puppy, email or call us at (910) 245-2603. We encourage you to visit our Breeding Program page for more information about goals in breeding and how we achieve them. |