Oak Hill Kennel: Fees and Conditions
Oak Hill Kennel Logo leaping Golden retriever

Training Program
Gun Dog
Owner Training
Fees and Conditions
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Fees and Conditions

Our standard monthly training fee is $600. This includes board, feeding, training, and administration of heartworm preventative once a month. In addition we charge owners for birds killed for their dog, veterinary costs, transport to the vet and to/from airports, and Frontline flea and tick control. Charges for birds are usually minimal ($10-$15) during the first two or three months, and usually less than $75 per month thereafter, but depend on the needs of the dog. The following text is from our training contract.
We normally train six days per week, in almost all weather, making exceptions as rarely as possible (we do miss training days for field trials and will be glad to discuss our planned trial schedule). Your dog, as well as others, benefits from our strict adherence to our training schedule. Please do not ask us to depart from it. Sunday is our "day off." We clean the runs and feed the dogs but do not accept business calls or allow visits on Sundays.
We encourage owners to visit, view our work with their dog and others, and learn about the training process. Visits must be planned around our training schedule. Social visits to the dog by family members, especially children, are inappropriate and are not permitted. We usually discourage visits early in training and during force-fetching as they can disrupt the dog's adjustment and progress.
While we use considerable care to reduce risks, training involves unavoidable hazards. Dogs must work off-lead, at some distance from the trainer, in a variety of hunting-type settings. Risks include but are not limited to escape, bloat, snakebite, and collision with unseen obstacles. We will be happy to explain the measures we take to address various risks, but we are not liable for mishaps to your dog during training. If in our judgment your dog needs veterinary attention, we will transport him or her to the nearest competent vet immediately .
You agree to keep us informed as to when you plan to pick up your dog, and if your plans change, to notify us as soon as possible so we can bring its training to a satisfactory conclusion. We recommend you come in person to pick up your dog, allow us to demonstrate its work and to advise you as to handling and future training. We will provide individualized written instructions upon request.
You agree that you will not, under any circumstances, train on or otherwise use any of our training grounds without our express permission, including those grounds we do not own. In addition, you will not enter the kennel compound or get out any dog without our authorization.
We feed a premium adult-formula dry dog food. If you feel puppy food is more appropriate for your puppy, we will give your puppy food that you provide. Otherwise we will feed special food only in cases of medical necessity.
Training fees are due at the beginning of each month of training. We will send out notices with progress reports around the first of each month. If you would like further updates on your dog's progress, call us mid-month. More frequent checks are usually not productive.
Non-emergency veterinary care, trips to the airport, etc. must be arranged around our training schedule. We must have several days' notice to make arrangements. Dogs being shipped home must go C.O.D. or shipping must be paid in advance, and bills must be paid before dog will be shipped. Ship dates are subject to constraint by weather and our prior commitments.
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